Who’s Who
Rev Mark Smith
The minister leads and guides us in all aspects of the work of the church and leads worship, takes baptisms, funerals and weddings. He chairs the Kirk Session and makes hospital visits.
01387 820475
07762 152755
Rev Mark Smith
CairnValley Churches
Tim Harmer
Associate Minister
Our Associate Minister helps the Minister by leading occasional services and some funerals and may stand in when the Minister is unavailable.
Colin Mitchell
Session Clerk
The Session Clerk is usually a member of the Kirk Session and is elected by members of the Session. The Session Clerk supports the Minister and acts as a link between the Minister and the congregation.
The Session Clerk is also the manager of the Kirk Session taking the minutes of Kirk Session meetings, dealing with correspondence, keeping congregational records and making submissions to Presbytery. In addition the Session Clerk organises the Elders’ duties and organises all aspects of Holy Communion.
01387 820455
Kath Aitken
Board Chairman
The role of Board Chairman involves organising Board meetings, chairing the meetings, ensuring that all actions resulting from meetings are allocated to an appropriate person and checking on progress.
Clerk to the Board
The Clerk to the Board carries out most of the administration relating to the Board. This will include preparing agendas and minutes for meetings, dealing with correspondence and working closely with the Board Chairman and the Session Clerk.
Robert Waugh
The Treasurer is responsible for all church finances. He works with the other members of the Board to set agree budgets and monitors all income and expenditure. He reports to the Board on the church’s financial position.
Archie Anderson
Fabric Convenor
Maintaining the condition of an old, listed building with limited funds is the challenge for the Fabric Convenor. He is responsible for all aspects of buildings maintenance from repairing leaks to ensuring that the heating system is adequate but not wasting energy.