
I recall some posters from many years ago which used the ‘one-way’ road sign with the tag-line “One Way through Jesus”.  Those old wayside pulpit posters seem corny yet often contained a pithy message.  Direct, challenging, thought-provoking as well as clever.

The writer to the Hebrews (whoever they were) wanted to ensure that people were pointed in the right direction – toward Jesus, the one way to God.  However daunting it may seem to approach the Infinite, Eternal, thrice Holy God, we know that Jesus is at His side, acting on our behalf. 

Jesus, the carpenter, teacher, friend.  No one else can do.  No one else will do.  It has to be … Jesus.

Each Sunday we look to meet with that very Jesus.  Join us.

God Bless,

– Rev Mark Smith, dunscore parish church


Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.


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Awesome God,

we praise You for Your wonderful deeds and mighty power.

We praise You for Your everlasting Love.

We praise You that You are faithful to Your promises.

We praise You for Your healing touch.

We praise You for Your generous gifts.We praise You for Your gracious presence.

Prayer theme: Thank God for who He is – and Jesus’ intercession for us when we pray.


1. Seed pots: start saving your toilet roll middles ready for spring. Toilet paper rolls make excellent seed starters for plants that dislike root disturbance, as they can be planted directly into the soil without removing the plant from the roll. Good idea is to keep them in a storage container or even a plastic bag so that they don’t get damp.

2. Plastic bottle cloches offer a practical and eco-friendly solution for protecting individual plants in a mini-greenhouse setup. They are cost effective, versatile, improve airflow by adding top ventilation and are easy to transplant as the entire bottom of the bottle can go in the ground.