
Colin Mitchell

No message from Mark this week as he is on leave. He will be back for Sunday!

Instead of Mark’s message here is a brief outline of changes coming soon for Nithsdale Churches.

Draft Basis of Union for Nithsdale Churches
(It is a draft but I suspect it will go ahead without significant change)

  • All the Nithsdale Churches will be united on a date to be decided by Presbytery.
  • Dunscore and Moniaive to unite ASAP and decide a name.
  • Name of the united Nithsdale church to be decided.
  • All property and funds to be held by united charge.
  • Present churches will continue as initial places of worship for the new union.
  • Durisdeer and Kirkconnell churches to be sold by end of 2025.
  • Thornhill, Penpont and Closeburn to be reviewed within 1 year of the union.
  • Only one church from Penpont, Thornhill and Closeburn to remain. Other two to be sold.
  • Services of Worship shall be held at times and churches to be decided by the Minister and Kirk Session, subject to the approval of Presbytery.
  • Minister to take no more than two services on any Sunday.
  • The new Parish will be made up of all the parishes of present churches.
  • One Kirk Session to be created for the new united parish.
  • The united parish Kirk Session will use the Unitary constitution.
  • Mark is one of two ministers allocated to the united charge.
  • The present manse (occupied by Mark and Debbie) will remain.
  • A second manse selected from all the remaining manses will be occupied by the second minister.
  • Remaining manses to be sold.
  • These arrangements can be altered by the united charge under the authority of the Presbytery.

Best wishes,

– Colin mitchell, session clerk, dunscore church


Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.


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You are the God who loves us,
who knows us and sees us
in our good and bad moments,
and still chooses to embrace us
So we say together,
Thank You, God.

Prayer theme: “The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down” Psalm 145:14


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