
Last weekend saw a great deal of goodwill alongside the fun and games.

Toddy’s Tipple Bowling Tournament raised lots of money for Cancer Research.

Prosecco Afternoon raised plenty of cash for the Moniaive Pre-School.

The Manse Open Garden raised over £1,000 towards the roof repairs.

WOW!  Amazing generosity all round across our communities. Thanks for all the hard work of the organisers and volunteers.

As we continue to reflect on our place in and alongside creation, can we find the same energy and generosity in playing our part in being good stewards of God’s gift to us in nature?

Makes you think, doesn’t it!?

P.S. We’ve had confirmation that our grant application (for the Manse roof repairs) has been successful and means that we can now cover the costs – thanks to all who donated, all who prayed for the grant, Matthew for completing the application form, and to God for His provision.

God Bless,

– Rev Mark Smith, dunscore parish church


Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.


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Creator God,

You ask us to tend and care for the world around us.

Saviour God,

You acted to show us how to love one another.

Inspiring God,

You live in us when we open the door of our life to You.

Thank You for leading us by example:

generous, thoughtful, forgiving, loving.

Help us be more like You in all we do and say.

Prayer theme: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you follow God’s example of love.


Put half a brick in your toilet cistern. Saves water.

Make do and mend. Stops clothes going to landfill.

Take your dog poo bags home with you to bin. The dog poo fairy doesn’t live here.

Save your old newspapers and use to light fires or firepits.