Church Services

Our weekly Worship service begins at 10:00am every Sunday.

Music forms an important part of our worship and we enjoy traditional hymns through to modern songs.  Some of us sing reading the words of hymns and songs on screens in the church while others prefer to read from a hymn book.

Each month we usually have one Messy Church.  This replaces the regular service that week and we encourage everyone to come along and join in as much or as little as they like.  There are generally lots of crafts, active songs and the service ends with food to share.  You can find out a little more what our Messy Church is like HERE.

We greatly enjoy social time after the service when Fairtrade tea and coffee are served and there is an opportunity to catch up with friends in the congregation and to get to know new people and visitors.

Church services are uplifting experiences and we return home re-energised by worship and happy to be part of such a warm and welcoming church.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper, is open to all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ and have made public profession of faith.

Dunscore Parish Church hold Holy Communion services at regular intervals throughout the year. Please check our events page for our next Holy Communion service.


Baptism, often described as ‘Christening’, is administered to adults who have come to Christian faith, or more usually to children of professing Christians.  The minister will be pleased to discuss this with you.


Your parish minister is pleased to officiate at weddings which may take place in church, or at the minister’s discretion, elsewhere.


The minister will be available to officiate at a funeral service for anyone in the parish.  You do not have to be a church member, or even associated with the church, to call upon the minister in this regard.  There is no charge for the minister, although other fees are payable.

To discuss Baptism, Wedding or Funeral requirements please visit our Contact Page.