Eco Congregation
Eco-Congregation Scotland is a growing movement of over 250 congregations across the country, representing nine denominations. The aim is to help congregations to understand environmental issues and to make appropriate practical and spiritual responses.
A church can call itself an Eco-Congregation when it has registered and completes a ‘green’ audit. It then has the opportunity to work through several modules before applying for Eco-Congregation awards. We have been an Eco Congregation since 2003 and, over the years, we have achieved many Eco Congregation awards.
We have an Ethical Purchasing Policy that has been adopted by the Congregational Board. In essence it means that we will consider the impact of any purchasing on the both the environment and on producers.
We have a thriving Eco-Congregation group that meets about every three months and we involve the whole church in our activities wherever possible. We also try to forge links with community groups, including Dunscore School (which is an Eco-School) and the Pre-School.
Activities have included:
- Helping the congregation and the local community to measure and reduce their Carbon Footprints.
- Leading monthly litter picks around our local lanes.
- Maintaining and expanding a Dunscore Freecycle scheme.
- Organising events such as a visit from the Council Climate Change Champion and talks on “green” topics.
- Helping Dunscore School to with Eco work