Connect Bible Study – When the Saints go marching in…

Event Details

This event finished on 30 November 2023

Connect is welcoming and lively whilst improving our understanding of the bible and our relationship with God.

We are delighted to include people from different traditions and this has helped us to deepen our understanding as we share God’s word together.

If you are looking to perhaps enhance your own bible studies, whilst surrounded by a fantastic group of friendly and knowledgable people, then Connect really could be the group for you. We’d be delighted to welcome you along.

The Connect group agenda for September to December 2023 will begin with a Social Evening on 07th September followed by a weekly detailed look at the each of the Saints through until 7th December.


7th          Social Evening – Bring & Share Supper

14th        Luke – The Educated Traveller & Writer

21st        Ninian – The Local Hero from somewhere else!

28th        Mary – The Blessed Virgin


5th          Columba – The Princely Dove

12th        Peter – The Rock or Rocky Fisherman?

19th        Patrick – Ireland and a breastplate

26th        Mary Magdalene – The Possessed becomes a Witness


2nd          Mungo/Kentigern – Scotland the brave

9th         Thomas – The Doubter becomes Evangelist.

16th        John – Son of Thunder, Beloved, Evangelist, Prophet.

22nd       Paul – The Enemy becomes the Missionary.

30th        Andrew – The Brother, Patron Saint, and Example.


7th          Christmas Concert with Emily Smith – invite & bring a friend (or two!)

Please email Tim Harmer at for more details.