
“The wise man built his house upon the rock …”

“We have an anchor that keeps the soul …”

“Rock of ages … let me hide myself in Thee.”

“All my hope on God is founded …”

“On Christ the solid rock I stand …”

The foundations of any project are vital. If they are right, then what follows can withstand whatever is thrown at it. Whatever the vagaries of life we need to be rooted in something solid, unshifting, stable, permanent. That’s where God comes in. The Infinite, Eternal God. The same yesterday, today, for ever.

At Dunscore today we will Baptise Fergus and Ben. Our prayer is that they will build their lives on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ.

For all of us who have been baptized, whether as children or adults, the same is true. In this world of changing trends and fads we need to decide where to put our roots. Where do you get your inner nourishment, strength and resilience?

May I suggest Jesus?

God Bless,

rev mark RS smith


Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.


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Almighty, Eternal God,

You give us good ground to grow in,

rich and full of life.

You are our foundation, our rock, our scaffold.

You support us and uphold us.

You soothe our pains, are balm to our suffering,

a comfort in our distress.

You stand with us, walk with us, talk with us,

feed us and quench our thirst.

You bless us day by dayand we worship and adore You.

Prayer theme: Thank God for the blessings you receive day by day.


This month’s Eco Snippets are all about “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”.

Before buying new stuff, how about seeing if you can reuse what you already have. If it needs a repair, why not try? We are blessed with really good electrical repair companies in Dumfries (Farish 01387 263689 and Crossans 01387 269694 are two).

Before throwing things out, check if they can be reused first.